Win the hiring game with Gamified Assessments
Automate your processes, engage candidates more and get objective talent data

Measure your applicants’ skills and build your brand
Gamified Assessments will take your talent acquisition strategy to a brand new level. It adds the fun element that is attractive for candidates and enhances your employer brand while supporting your hiring decisions with objective, data-based information.

1. Choose a Gamified
Based on the competencies you need to measure, choose a Gamified Assessment and invite your candidates.
2. Invite your
Candidates complete the assessment online before the deadline you set.
3. Compare your
applicants' results
Read detailed reports of your candidates’ skill assessment, and compare them to your benchmark.

What is Indivizo Intelligence?
It is the special combination of the most up-to-date researches on the scientific fields of HR management, organizational development and psychology, equipped with innovative technologies and AI.
This is the power behind all of our innovative solutions.

Gamification is the future of recruitment.

Stand out from the competition by adding a new colour to your hiring.
Measure competencies, specific skills and candidate personality characteristics in a data-based, objective way.


Exploit the user-friendly interface to present yourselves as a modern, progressing company that is open to innovations.
Numerical reasoning

Accurately measure the different levels of your applicants’ numerical skills based on their ability to understand numerical relationships and reasoning using numbers. Available at two different levels. The results can be used to predict job performance and overall job-fit.

✓ Numerical aptitude
✓ Work under pressure
✓ Numerical reasoning
✓ Understanding numerical relationships
✓ Logical reasoning based on numbers

Verbal reasoning
Measure your applicants’ ability to understand and logically work through concepts and problems expressed in words. Available at two different levels. The results will indicate how well a candidate can extract and work with meaning, information and implications from a text.
✓ Verbal reasoning
✓ Quickly and accurately comprehend written information
✓ Interpret written information logically
✓ Analyse statements about written information and determine their veracity (advanced)
Get objective feedback on how well your candidates’ handle stress and high pressure, how calm and precise they can stay in these situations, or how prone they are to make mistakes. The results can be used to predict job performance and overall job-fit.
✓ Working memory
✓ Executive attention
✓ Multitasking
✓ Precision & Correctness